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Handbook. Your member handbook contains information to help you get the care and services you need. Questions? Just call Member Services at 1-855-652-8249 Manual · Medical Assistance Eligibility Manual Transmittal #DMAS-14 (Effective 10-1-2019) (PDF); Transmittal #DMAS-13 (Effective 7-1-2019) (PDF) Please be advised that the West Virginia Medicaid Provider Manual does not address Health Center and Rural Health Clinic Services Effective July 1, 2019 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA +. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES +. Medicaid Managed Care. Member Handbook. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2019 VIRGINIA MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. ELIGIBILITY MANUAL. Combined Virginia Medicaid Manual. Date: 1-11-2019. Source: and Offers current list of care provider administrative manuals and guides for topics including prior authorization, processing claims and protocol information,Medicaid is the state and Federal partnership that provides medical coverage to eligible needy persons. The purpose of Virginia Medicaid is to improve the Department of Medical Assistance Services. Effective 6/1/2019 Medical Assistance Handbook i. TABLE of CONTENTS. GENERAL INFORMATION . Magellan network providers must be familiar with and follow the policies and procedures contained in the National Provider Handbook and the Virginia BHSA For Magellan providers serving Virginia Medicaid enrollees. We recently posted the updated provider handbook supplement for serving the Virginia DMAS Medicaid
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