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To verify the Polygon Law Forces with the help of Force Polygon. Apparatus. 1-2. 3-5. To verify the reactions of a Simply Supported Beam at its supports.To verify the law of parallelogram of forces through experiment. Apparatus: Drawing board, thread, pan, weights, paper, scale, pulley or universal force NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT. PAGE NO. 1. Verification of triangle law & parallelogram law of forces. 01. 2. Verification of polygon law of forces. LABORATORY MANUAL. Engineering Mechanics Verify law of Force Polygon and law of Moments using Force Polygon and bell Engineering Mechanics Lab. THEORY: Polygon law of forces states that if a number of forces acting on a particle are represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a polygon taken Verify and correlate law of polygon of forces. 2. Verify Lami's theorem. 3. Verify Equilibrium conditions. 4. Determine coefficient of friction for two sliding Page 10. EXPERIMENT NO. 02. POLYGON LAW OF COPLANAR FORCES. Aim: To verify law of polygon and calculate the resultant of coplanar concurrent force system. ENGINEERING MECHANICS LAB. Exp. NO-3 APPARATUS FOR VERIFICATION OF LAW OF. POLYGON OF To verify the Law of Polygon of Forces, by using force board.
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